Hello! I recently gave a presentation with San Francisco social media maven Lori Kober called Social Media Success in 15 Minutes a Day. Lori and I met at a previous presentation I gave about Facebook, and we hit it off immediately. Lori loves such media, and her 17,000 organic Twitter followers show it. It was exciting to give the presentation because I know that Lori’s system, which combines 3 social media tools for productivity, is insanely useful — which is why it will rock your world.
Why is Lori’s Social Media Success in 15 Minutes a Day System Special?
As an SEO Copywriter and online marketer, people come to me all the time asking how they can be more effective with social media without spending a ton of money and time.
The truth is, quickly building your social media presence is not possible without spending substantial time — or money. Passionate people like Lori, however, spend the time necessary to create systems that are time-saving and effective for people who want a consistent and professional social media presence.
Lori’s social media productivity tools:
- Help you aggregate tons of information specific to your target markets and industry
- Keep you in front of your targets, especially important for Twitter
- Only require a one-time setup (you can update as needed)
- Are speedy
- Are simple
- Can be implemented on the go
- Help you stay informed and up-to-date and
- Build your presence across platforms
Once you get going with Lori’s social media productivity tools, you’ll discover even more about how practical and useful they are.
The Benefits of Lori Kober’s Social Media Success in 15 Minutes a Day System
Just for starters, it’s fun and gratifying knowing you can put together a system like this using free apps.
Here’s what Lori’s social media productivity tools will help you do:
- Build your followers
- Improve your search engine optimization (SEO)
- Drive traffic
- Generate leads
- Conduct industry/market research and
- Manage your customers
Social media is for everyone, and everyone uses it differently. The important thing is to have an easy way to keep your social media presence consistent and professional.
How to Get Started
Before you get started with Lori’s social media productivity tools, you need to do a little leg work.
Make sure you have your website, blog, and social channels up and running, branded to reflect the coolness of you and your business.
Here are the rest of the steps:
- Set up Buffer
- Set up Pocket
- Set up and link a content curation site like Feedly.
Easy as pie.
Set up Buffer
Buffer is a very useful app that allows you to do a few things:
- Automatically schedule your social media
- Take advantage of Buffer’s suggested content
- Easily bookmark anything you think is interesting and
- In the paid version, see analytics right in the app
Setting up Buffer is easy. Download the buffer app from your app store and set up a free account. Link your social media accounts, and make sure to set a schedule of how often you want to post each day.
I suggest posting every couple of hours on Twitter, 3 times a day on LinkedIn, 1 per day on your Facebook page, and 3 times a day on Google+, but you can tinker with this to see what works for you.
Finally, make sure that you put your buffer bookmarklet into your toolbar so you can easily add items to your buffer when you are surfing the internet.
Set up Pocket
Pocket is a second useful app that allows you to store up digital reading material in the form of a well-laid-out list. Pocket is free. A premium version just became available, featuring permanent document storage and enhanced search.
You can place a Pocket bookmarklet on your toolbar to save and sync posts, articles, images, and videos across devices.
Set up Feedly
Feedly is the third useful app in our triumvirate. Feedly is a content curation tool that allows you to add RSS feeds to lists. In the settings, you choose your favorite saving tool — in our case, Pocket.
Putting Your Productivity Tools Together
Once you have set up these three productivity tools, you can use Feedly to quickly scan for new content, including your own blog content (seeing my blog on Feedly makes me feel a little famous, I don’t know why). Then, you can save selected content to your pocket. From Pocket, you can easily schedule your content to Buffer.
It takes some time to download the apps, choose your favorite content sources, and sync them. But once you do, you’ll have a content curation machine that can be accessed anywhere.
Just don’t content curate and drive!
Your Turn
Give Lori Kober’s social media productivity tools a try, and let me know your thoughts.
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