What’s more inspiring than a success story? When I meet interesting people with interesting businesses and lives, I love to share that message with my readers.

Success Story: Gift A Feast Founder Gypsy Achong

As my regular readers know, the Success Story Series features (mostly local) business owners and citizens who are making a difference. When I meet someone who is doing something interesting…

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Make Julie Pepper Your Information Technology “IT” Girl

Introducing Julie Pepper, Systems Assurance Advisor, Murphy, McKay & Associates. Huh? For those of us who like language a bit plainer, think of Julie as your information technology "IT" girl.…

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Success Story: Ted Dubasik, San Francisco CPA

As you know, when I meet someone interesting, impressive, or who has information my readers need to know, I feature them in success stories. This month's success stories feature shares…

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Success Story: Alex Lubinsky | CityHour App

As those who know my business know, I am always on the look-out for useful new products, services, and apps. I'm also a big Triberr fan. Dino Dogan and crew…

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Success Story: Nutrition Coach Kendra Cannoy

As those who know me know, I recently went on a 28 Day Cleanse, which turned out to be CRAZYBEAUTIFUL -- you can read about the results, which far more…

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