
Is your website currently mobile friendly? Is it configured in a way that makes it functional to users no matter which type of device that they are viewing it on? If you answered no to either of these questions, you could be in for a rude awakening in the weeks to come. Read more to find out whether your site passes the test.

The Latest Google Update

Google is at it once again. Known for their infamous algorithm changes, the latest Google update is about to debut on April 21st. Webmasters from around the globe are scrambling to make sure that their sites are compliant in the eyes of Google.

This newest algorithm update will hit websites that are not currently of the mobile friendly variety. In other words, if your website is not optimized for use across all mobile devices, you could find that your site will experience a serious drop in its rankings.

A few things have been reported by Google that are important to keep in mind. As noted from their recent Google Hangout:

  • The algorithm update will take several days to a week to take affect
  • There are not varying degrees of mobile readiness. It’s pretty cut and dry – you either are or you are not mobile ready

Mobile Apps

Indexed apps are also part of the update that Google is rolling out. Effective as of February 26, 2015, information from indexed apps plays a part as a ranking factor for users that sign in and also have the app in question installed. Those doing a search on a mobile device will find that the results will include applicable content from mobile apps and that content will rank higher.

Global Changes

Google’s latest algorithm update is not confined to only a few countries. This change impacts everyone from around the world. No matter which country you reside in or which language your site is written in, you can be expected to be impacted by this change.

Tools to Help

Fortunately Google has not left everyone in a quandary. Determining whether your site is compliant or not is easier than you may think. Google has provided several tools that will get you started in testing your pages and website. The tools also provide detailed information on any problems your site may have in relation to being mobile ready.

Individual pages can be tested using the Mobile Friendly Test.

Inside of your Webmaster Tools account you will find the Mobile Usability Report. The Mobile Usability Report will provide an entire list of mobile friendly issues that your site may be experiencing. This report covers issues on every page of your site so it is more complete than just testing out a few pages.

Only Time Will Tell

As much as we are grateful for the early warning from Google about their forthcoming algorithm update, only time will tell us as to how much of an impact this change will make. From past experiences we do know that there is plenty of might behind Google. Those who have had their websites wiped off the first page of Google can attest to that.

For now, the wisest thing to do is make sure that your site is mobile friendly and if you are in doubt, seek out a website professional for guidance.

(Image Credit: Hebi65)

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