People, this is anything but unplugged, but have you seen the “WestJet Christmas Miracle”? If not, here goes:

December Blue

The WestJet Christmas Miracle

It is award-winning marketing, fo so.

I mean, you weren’t sitting next to my 9 year-old when I said, tears running down my cheeks, “That was a great ad,” and he responded, “That wasn’t an ad. It was real.” And then, “I would love to fly WestJet.”

It doesn’t, to be honest, make me proud of either my profession or the state of Western culture.

This is a kid, though who ‘kind of’ believes in Santa. All is not lost.

Hints that WestJet is more “real” than Santa nevertheless prove to my satisfaction that we need to read books. On paper and in print. Especially ones written by dead people — you can be sure they aren’t in it for the money.

Recent Reads

This month I have brought you flat out delicious December reads to get unplugged (you can thank me in the comments). Here goes:


Interact With Web Standards: A Holistic Approach To Web Design by Anderson, Erin, et al.

I love this book. It teaches the basics of the process it takes to create a successful website in a clear and methodical manner. The primary charm of the book, though, is that it integrates writing, accessibility and even marketing — thus the word “holistic” in its title. A bonus is that it is written by an international group of down-to-earth but renowned web experts.

If you would like to have this book for your very own, purchase Interact With Web Standards: A Holistic Approach To Web Design at the Anna Colibri Amazon shop.


Middlemarch by George Eliot.

Last week I covered a French book, written, naturally, in French. This month I’m reading a book that, while not as great as Anna Karenina pushes in that direction. Middlemarch is long, a point in its excellent favor, and written to put the English language to its best advantage. Like Anna Karenina, Middlemarch explores the values and cultures of its time (in this case, Victorian England) and the psychology of everyday life with remarkable depth and contemporary relevance. This is a must read. And special thanks to Amy Lodato for recommending it.

If you would like to have this book for your very own, purchase Middlemarch at the Anna Colibri Amazon shop.


The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

The Wind in the Willows is my favorite children’s book of all time. I especially recommend the 7th chapter, “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn.” I love this book because of its rich use of language, wonderful characters and use of both humor and psychological study. Run, don’t walk, to get this beautiful, charming book.

If you would like to have this book for your very own, purchase The Wind in the Willows at the Anna Colibri Amazon shop.

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