Thank you for visiting ANNACOLIBRI.
ANNACOLIBRI | tech savvy coaching for women (and men!) is a coaching, integrated marketing communications, and internet publishing company designed for people like you who want financially independent, creative, flexible, and free lives.
ANNACOLIBRI is a values-based marketing company. This means we work through attraction and not promotion. On the internet, attractiveness means you don’t waste people’s time (which, as we all know, is precious) and that when potential customers reward you with their attention, you, in turn, provide them with real value.
You develop trust by providing people with real value, which translates into high-quality content. Today, consumers have more power than ever. Reputations rise and fall on Twitter. Developing trust, creating a solid reputation, and providing quality customer service from website to Facebook page is the way to get and keep the clients who will use your products and services and, in turn, promote you on the web.
What is real value? Real value is content (blog posts, videos, downloads, podcasts, updates, activities) your customers can truly enjoy, learn from or use to solve their problems. ANNACOLIBRI will teach you how to provide real value to your potential customers on the social web so they want to return for more.
Take your time and enjoy our site. We hope you will find it easy to look at and simple to navigate.
Once you’ve had a look, contact us so we can provide you with a (free!) social media audit to get you thinking about how to get your web presence jump-started in the right direction.
P.S. Where Did You Get the Name ANNACOLIBRI?
Colibri means hummingbird in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Finnish, and Swedish (and probably other languages, too!). Colibris, however, are uniquely from the Americas. They distinguish themselves by their strong hearts and hard work. But what are they working for? Colibris survive by getting the nectar out of life–nothing more, nothing less. We like that approach to life!
Whatever your work, we will help you make it a productive pleasure.
Do you need digital marketing services? Please connect with us for a complimentary digital strategy session! Just click the button below to get started.