Flashback! Our favorite post from October 2013.
Not everybody knows what a conversion funnel is, but since it’s my job to turn bright and beautiful beginners like you into online marketing aces, I’m about to tell you not only:
- What a conversion funnel is but also
- Why you care
Are you with me? Let’s go!
Conversion Funnel Basics
First of all, who are conversion funnels for?
They are for people like you and me who are selling products, services, entertainment or information on the internet.
They are also for people (potential customers) who want products, services, entertainment or information on the internet.
Let’s say, for example, you are like me and you provide coaching, consulting and publishing services on the internet.
The first thing you would do is decide who you want to know about your services. This is done by creating a persona.
The second thing you would do is create some kind of content, such as the bright and beautiful blog you are now reading, that is searchable — and findable — by net surfers and focused information seekers alike.
The third thing you would do is create a conversion funnel.

A conversion funnel is made up of 5 stages. I will give you a little 411 on each, so sit tight.
Stage 1: Internet Soup
This is the part where all of the people who go online don’t know you from Adam. It’s not great for business, but it happens all the time.
Stage 2: Awareness
Awareness happens the minute people know about you. How do they know about you?
They find you through your:
- Website
- Content
- Social profiles & updates
- Email campaigns
- Yelp recommendations and
- Anything else about you that can be found online
The better you strategically promote yourself and your products and services on the web the more (brand) awareness you will build.
Importantly, your promotion efforts should include links to your website — a pivotal piece of the conversion pie.
Stage 3: Consideration
Once people get to your website, they will consider what you have on offer. Give them something to do, such as:
- Subscribe
- Download
- Register
- Buy now
- Try or
- Learn more
The point of this is to build a subscriber list of emails so that you can begin to build relationships with the very people who may become your customers or clients.
Stage 4: Action
Now it’s practically a no-brainer. If you have made your consideration process compelling through an attractive and functional call to action people will do just that — take action.
Once a website visitor has given you his or her email address he or she has become a lead.
Stage 5: Conversion
Now it’s all about you. What will you do to turn leads into customers?
Conversion Funnel Best Practices
Now that you understand conversion funnel basics, here are some classic examples of conversion funnels done well. Take some time to study them before you do a site (re)design.
Pro tip: Even if you don’t already have free downloads, webinars or conferences on offer, work with your designer and programmer to create a site that can accommodate these design features when you ARE ready for them. You’ll be glad you did!
Why You Care
Now that you’ve read this post, it may seem obvious you need an online marketing plan that:
- Lets people know you are around (awareness — see Stage 2, above)
- Makes it easy for them to get to know you and (consideration — see Stage 3, above) and
- Helps you get to know them (Action and Conversion — see Stages 4 & 5, above)
It’s important to think about what you are doing (creating great products and services) and why (to generate leads, convert them to customers and make moola!).
Remember: Without a lead generation plan and a conversion process complete with the online structures you need to make it happen, growing your business will be more frustrating and difficult than it needs to be.
Your Turn
Are you convinced that conversion funnels are the way to go when trying to generate new leads? Think there’s anything we’ve overlooked? Find us on Facebook and let us know your thoughts!
Colibri Digital Marketing
We’re the digital marketing agency for the twenty-first century. Based in San Francisco, we’ve got our fingers on the pulse of Silicon Valley, we’ve got an insider perspective on the tech industry, and we get a sneak peak at the future of digital marketing. If you’re ready to work with the first and only full-service B Corp-certified digital marketing agency in San Francisco, drop us a line to schedule a free digital marketing strategy session!
It’s fun 🙂