Analyzing Conversion Rates Within Google Analytics
Analyzing Conversion Rates If you can tell me the conversion rate of a female, mobile user in Wells, Nevada visiting your website via LinkedIn on a Saturday, then you understand…
Because it’s so important to connect with other writers and entrepreneurs online and off, I invite people to guest post on my blog and share their knowledge and experience.
Analyzing Conversion Rates If you can tell me the conversion rate of a female, mobile user in Wells, Nevada visiting your website via LinkedIn on a Saturday, then you understand…
You know what’s fun? Designing a sweepstakes in 140 characters or less, including your entry link. No, really—no sarcasm intended. The best part of running Twitter sweepstakes is that it…
Be worth connecting with. That little piece of advice has stayed with me ever since a guru of mine uttered it in mediation class one day. And it’s become a…
This guest post was written by Jessica Kane. She is a professional blogger who writes for Bureau Translations, a leading company that provides website translation services for businesses. Here's what…
If you’re like me, it’s been a lifelong dream to write professionally. Hours spent scribbling away in notebooks as a child morphed into opportunities to become a paid copywriter sometime…
Do you ever have those days where you have a mountain of work to complete but end up binge watching TV shows on Netflix instead? Obstacles to creativity can be…
Workplaces are going to the dogs— and that’s a good thing! Leaving your pet behind at the start of your workday can be a bit heartbreaking. When your dog or…
Any good social media strategist will tell you that a sweepstakes campaign is one of the best ways to gain new Facebook followers and capture new leads. A sweepstakes campaign…