Marketing: Creating Magnetic Client Presentation Packages is a two part series. Part 1 is about why client presentation packages are important (hint: marketing and networking). Part 2 covers the technical aspects of creating your client presentation package.
Why Client Presentation Packages
As you begin marketing your business, creating an effective client presentation package, also known as a press kit or media kit, is a confidence-boosting and necessary tool for your success.
Client presentation packages are important because they help you narrow down:
- What you offer
- What your company values are and
- How you want to present yourself
Client presentation packages are important for marketing because they provide opportunities to:
- Share a written record of your skills, experience and achievements
- Leave a physical reminder of what you offer and why it’s valuable
- Showcase something you have produced
- Get your logo out in the world
- Distinguish yourself as a professional
Putting together a presentation package requires networking. In order to complete the package, you have to request references and testimonials from colleagues and clients.
Although it’s a little daunting, it builds your confidence because once you have all these resources in place you can see, before your very own eyes, all you have to offer and all the positive things people have to say about you.
The Process
The process of putting together a client presentation package allows you to start networking with people you trust and reflect on your business acumen and goals, but it is also time-consuming and even a little emotionally fraught.
Reflection. As you put together a client presentation package, consider the above points carefully. Your package is a physical record of what you do and who you are. Make it shine!
Time Consuming. You will need to set aside a couple of weeks at least to create a client presentation package. If you have to write position papers or other documents, it will take as long as you need to produce dynamite documents!
Fraught. If you are like COLIBRI, asking for references and testimonials can be emotional. Remember, sister, you are good at what you do and marketing yourself is just another way of sharing your skills, talents and personality.
You will need to:
- Request references from your professional contacts
- Request testimonials
- Write a bio
- Write up a services and expected results page
- Gather (or write!) white papers, position papers or other content and
- Gather any press you have generated
A basic beginners package will include the following documents:
- References
- Testimonials
- Bio
- Services and expected results page
- Your publications
- Press
Completing the Package
Once you have all the elements in place, you are almost ready to use them in marketing your business. You will use your package as a giveaway after you:
- Give presentations
- Meet with potential clients
- Attend networking events and meetups
Your package gives you a memorable way to follow up with potential clients. In today’s rush-rush world, you will stand out as professional and prepared.
Get Started
Go ahead and get started. Any questions? Leave them in the comments.
Next week, COLIBRI will cover the technical aspects of creating a magnetic client presentation package so you will feel confident as you are networking.
Weiss, Alan, PhD. Getting Started in Consulting, 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey. 2009.
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