They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if it could also generate thousands of dollars in sales for your business? Enter Pinterest, a platform where visual inspiration meets online shopping. Pinterest is a platform with over 450 million active users worldwide, offering a haven of creativity and inspiration for users and a valuable resource for businesses seeking to expand their audience and increase conversions. In this article, we will share ten creative ways to unlock the full potential of Pinterest Ads and take your business to new heights.

Pinterest ads

How to Use Pinterest Ads

To start Pinterest Ads, you need to set up a business account on the platform. Once you have an account, you can create and launch your ads using Pinterest’s Ads Manager. This includes setting your budget, segmenting your audiences, monitoring performance, and optimizing your campaigns. The key to creating effective Pinterest Ads is to make them visually engaging, so use high-quality images and videos.

Types of Pinterest Ads

Promoted pins, videos, carousels, stories, collections, product pins, and shopping ads are just a few of the ad forms on Pinterest. Each type has distinct abilities and objectives that can be leveraged to achieve various marketing goals. 

Businesses frequently choose Promoted Pins to boost visibility and improve website traffic. Promoted Videos are ideal for highlighting a product’s unique qualities and strengths. Carousels let companies showcase multiple products in a single ad. Stories (or Idea Pins) give users an interactive and immersive experience.

We also have Collections, which can help companies create a compilation of their products in a visually appealing way. Product Pins are specially made to highlight product details, pricing, and availability. And lastly, Shopping Ads enable businesses to promote their products in a shopping feed, making it simple for visitors to purchase straight on Pinterest.

With so many alternatives, businesses can create targeted and effective strategies and advertising campaigns that help them achieve their marketing objectives.

Pinterest Ads vs. Other Social Media

With its visual discovery focus, intent-driven audience, niche targeting capabilities, and a longer lifespan for content than other platforms, Pinterest Ads can help businesses reach new audiences, drive more traffic to their site, and increase their sales and conversions.

Moreover, Pinterest Ads are still relatively new and have less competition than other advertising platforms, making it easier to stand out and have an impact. By leveraging the unique advantages of Pinterest Ads, businesses and entrepreneurs can create more engaging and effective advertising campaigns that resonate with their target audience and support them in accomplishing their marketing goals.

10 Creative Ways to Use Pinterest Ads

Let’s talk about what you’ve been waiting for. Here are ten creative ways to use Pinterest Ads to grow your business:

Create video ads 

Present your products in a visually engaging way. Use Promoted Videos function to highlight the characteristics and advantages of your products. Link them directly to your product pages to drive sales!

Use shoppable pins

Make it easier for users to make purchases directly on Pinterest. You can simplify the buying process and increase sales by linking your pins to your product pages.

Partner with influencers 

Reach new audiences and build credibility with your target demographic. You can create Promoted Pins with influencers that feature your products and link them directly to your product pages.

Use dynamic retargeting

Show personalized ads to users who have engaged with your content on Pinterest. You can also use them to target users who have interacted with your website or have items in their shopping cart.

Show Behind-The-Scenes

BHS footage of your business can help your audience feel closer to your brand by involving them in the process. 

Create how-to guides on your blog

Promote them on Pinterest using Promoted Pins. Create pins highlighting the main points of your guide and link them directly to the complete guide on your site to drive traffic and establish thought leadership. 

Showcase customer reviews and build social proof 

Create pins emphasizing your top reviews and link them directly to your product pages to build trust with your audience and drive conversions. 

Create seasonal campaigns

Highlight your seasonal products or promotions. Capitalize on seasonal trends by using visually appealing images and videos to capture your audience’s attention.

Use Pinterest’s Story Pins

Create immersive, full-screen experiences that showcase your brand more creatively and engagingly.

Design infographics 

Use infographics related to your business. This will help you position your brand as a leader in your industry by presenting complex information in an attractive and simple-to-understand way.

Key Takeaways

Remember that Pinterest is a platform built on inspiration and discovery. By creating ads that provide value to your audience and align with their interests, you can make a lasting connection with your customers and build a strong brand presence on Pinterest.

By incorporating these ten creative ways to use Pinterest ads into your strategy and the latest trends in Pinterest advertising, you can effectively grow your business on one of the most popular social media platforms today. So what are you waiting for? Start using Pinterest Ads today and see the results for yourself!

Were you wondering how Pinterest Ads can help your business? Schedule a complimentary session with our team to get the answers you are looking for.